Sarah is passionate about sharing her love of the practice of ashtanga yoga. Read Sarah's blog, "Ashtanga Yogini on the Move” where you can learn more about her practice, her teachings and read poems and stories of practice on and off the mat.

Why I Need a Yoga Community
Sarah writes about how joining a community of yogis - whether in-shala or online will support your practice of ashtanga yoga.

Your living breathing Practice
If your practice was living being, how old would it live to be?
Are you a practitioner that has a ten-year practice burning at both ends? Are you firing away at it every day till it comes to a stop like an old car making noises when it is parked? Or are you smoothing out your practices daily, making them last a long time, and finishing each practice with ease and restoration?

Trash talking your Practice
Sarah writes about what happens when we forget why we started yoga in the first place: we either trash talk it and break it down or we quit altogether. "Today I want to share how a few of my friends have just stopped practicing entirely this past year - full stop as they have had enough with the intensity of a regular practice."