Sarah is passionate about sharing her love of the practice of ashtanga yoga. Read Sarah's blog, "Ashtanga Yogini on the Move” where you can learn more about her practice, her teachings and read poems and stories of practice on and off the mat.

Garbha Pindasana - Rock and Roll, baby! (Copy)
Sarah writes about her love-relationship of Garbha Pindāsana and adds why YOU should work sincerely in this posture for spinal health, in-utero wisdom and knowledge and clarity in the breath and bandhas. This post was written in 2012.

Finding Yoga in a Bookstore
Ten Mysore Tips for Newbies
Sarah shares how to start an ashtanga yoga practice from scratch. Tips for people new to ashtanga vinyasa yoga.

Garbha Pindasana - Rock and Roll, baby!
Sarah writes about her love-relationship of Garbha Pindāsana and adds why YOU should work sincerely in this posture for spinal health, in-utero wisdom and knowledge and clarity in the breath and bandhas. This post was written in 2012.